Ball palyers are not the only people that wear Jordan's
We know Derrick Jeter for hitting home runs and just doing him on the field.We know the New York Yankees captain Derek Jeter is part of Jordan Brand and has his own signature sneaker. In a cleat form since Jeter is a baseball player and needs to wear cleats on the field.This sneaker is for his 2005 signature sneaker the Jumpman Jeter Six4Three. These were worn by DJ during the ‘05 MLB season. This colorway was only for Jeter because of the color of the team and how it makes feel on the field.It was very rare to see someone else in the Mlb to wear Jeter cleats .But as this is a player exclusive, this cleat was only made for Derek Jeter and was never sold to the public.
We know Derrick Jeter for hitting home runs and just doing him on the field.We know the New York Yankees captain Derek Jeter is part of Jordan Brand and has his own signature sneaker. In a cleat form since Jeter is a baseball player and needs to wear cleats on the field.This sneaker is for his 2005 signature sneaker the Jumpman Jeter Six4Three. These were worn by DJ during the ‘05 MLB season. This colorway was only for Jeter because of the color of the team and how it makes feel on the field.It was very rare to see someone else in the Mlb to wear Jeter cleats .But as this is a player exclusive, this cleat was only made for Derek Jeter and was never sold to the public.
Your blog is so cool. And you're doing this for school? keep up the good work!